Pale when pressed. On the contrary, when it comes to inflammatory and vascular lesions, the skin will lighten with pressure.what is biometrics? Biometrics is the science in charge of the application of statistical and mathematical techniques to the physical or behavioral traits of a human being for their authentication. But... What is authentication? How have we achieved such innovation? Where do these technologies come from? Read on and delve into the most cutting-edge technological branch! Inesem business school master in artificial intelligence and deep learning more information biometric techniques the ultimate goal of biometric techniques is authentication.
Authentication is the verification of identity for any living thing. We can achieve authentication through different systems: face recognition. Fingerprint. Retinal scan. And so on. Its great relevance is due, mainly, to the comfort, safety and ease it provides to the identified person. Reaching the necessary level of technology has been everyone's task alphonse bertillon, head e commerce photo editing service of the photographic department of the paris police, developed in 1883 the anthropometric system, used in the identification of criminals , using measurements of the head, body, scars, tattoos...
After various mistakes, western authority forces began to use the fingerprint , used in china decades earlier. The idea to use iris patterns as an identification method was proposed in 1936 by frank burch. In 1993 the defense nuclear agency began working with iriscan inc. As you can see, that today we can enjoy the disruptive advances that biometric technology implies is thanks to the progress of various technologies, both past and present: big data allows the analysis and compilation of different advances , progress and developments. Iot devices and